String randomUUIDString = uuid. Creating a random UUID (Universally unique identifier). Let’s see the code snippet below: package You can use UUID as an identifier for objects. We can also get the version and the variant of the UUID using the version() method and variant() method respectively. UUID (Universal Unique Identifier) is a 16-byte unique value. To obtain the value of the random string generated we need to call the UUID.toString () method. Kotlin Unit Testing with Mockk It has been passed months since my last article on Kotlin coroutines lifecycle, and one year since an article about unit testing and mocking technique.
The UUID.randomUUID () method return a UUID object. In this article, we will learn about UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) codes, occasionally referred to as GUID (Globally Unique Identifier). To obtain the value of the random string generated we need to call the UUID.toString() method. To generate UUID in Java we can use the class. The UUID.randomUUID() method return a UUID object.
But you can also use Maven if you are more comfortable with it. To generate UUID in Java we can use the class. Gradle is the most commonly used build tool in Kotlin, and it provides a Kotlin DSL which is used by default when generating a Kotlin project, so this is the recommended choice. Some of its usage are for creating random file names, session id in web application, transaction id and for record’s primary keys in database replacing the sequence or auto generated number. UUID / GUID (Universally / Globally Unique Identifier) is frequently use in programming.